• 2022/11/18 Correctseq

    Mr. Edwin Lan, Head of CMC-MFG, Ex vivo Platform of Correctseq, Participates in the 4th Bio-ONE Forum and Makes a Speech

    Nov 17-18, 2022, the 4th Bio-ONE Forum was hold in Shanghai. Mr. Edwin Lan, head of CMC-MFG, Ex vivo Platform of CorrectSequence Therapeutics (Correctseq), participated in the forum and made a speech titled CMC on ex vivo Platform.


  • 2022/11/15 Correctseq

    Dr. Mou, CEO of Correctseq, Wins Prize of Annual Influential Enterprise Leaders of Chinese CGT Field in 2022

    Nov 10, 2022, Dr. Mou, CEO of Correctseq, won the Pharma Big Star prize of Annual Influential Enterprise Leaders of Chinese CGT Field in 2022 in Shanghai (Minhang) Biomedical Industry Innovation Summit Award Ceremony of 2022. The prize list was selected by MedClub of together with industry experts.


  • 2022/10/15 e-Safe

    Dr. Mou, CEO of Correctseq, Participates in Cell and Gene Therapy Non-Clinical Evaluation Salon and Makes a Speech

    Oct 15, 2022, the Fourth Cell and Gene Therapy Non-Clinical Evaluation Salon organized by Drug Toxicology Committee of Chinese Pharmacological Society, Drug Toxicology and Safety Evaluation Committee of Chinese Society of Toxicology, and Tsinghua University, was successfully held online. The salon’s theme was Oncolytic Viruses, Gene Editing and R&D Cases. Dr. Mou, CEO of Correctseq, participated in the salon and made a speech titled How to Create Innovative Gene Editing System and Make Its Clinical Application Safety. The Chairman of Drug Toxicology and Safety Evaluation Committee of Chinese Society of Toxicology, Dr. Mingyang Liao participated in the salon and make an opening speech. The Chairman of the salon, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Tsinghua University Press, Yu Sun, and the Chairman of the salon, Deputy Chairman and Secretary-General of Drug Toxicology and Safety Evaluation Committee of Chinese Society of Toxicology, Vice President of Suzhou Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Quanjun Wang hosted the salon.


  • 2022/10/12 Sequoiacap

    [Sequoia Talk] Jiang Han x Xiaodun Mou: Turning Scissor into Pen, Base Editing Technology Leads Cell and Gene Therapy into Minimally Invasive Era

    Following the successful holding of the first science and technology event, Sequoia Talk series Forum medical event recently came to a successful conclusion. In the gene editing session, Mr. Jiang Han, Director & General Manager of Sequoia China, and Dr. Xiaodun Mou, CEO of CorrectSequence Therapeutics (Correctseq), presented a wonderful sharing of cutting-edge gene editing technologies and innovative treatment solutions with the theme of "Turning Knife into Pen, Base Editing Leads Cell and Gene Therapy into Minimally Invasive Era".


  • 2022/08/05 Correctseq

    Dr. Lijie Wang of Correctseq Participates in the NMPAIOED Drug Researcher Online Conference and Makes a Speech

    On Aug 2-4, 2022, National Medical Products Administration Institute of Executive Development hold Drug Researcher Conference online. Dr Lijie Wang, head of CorrectSequence Therapeutics (Correctseq) Gene Editing Platform, was invited to attend the conference and made a speech on the topic of “the Latest Advances and Clinical Applications of Gene Editing”. (Online Live| Drug Researcher Conference( Topic: Biologics Registration Regulations and Applications)


  • 2022/08/01 SciPhi

    Develop Innovative Base Editing System and Nearly 10 Pipelines, 1st Pipeline be IND Ready By 2023

    Recently, CorrectSequence Therapeutics (Correctseq), a biotechnology company aims to use their own innovative gene editing system to help people living with serious diseases, announced that transformer Base Editor (tBE) developed independently is authorized by USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) formally and became the Chinese first base editing tool authorized by overseas patents.


  • 2022/07/14 PhIRDA

    Chinese First Base Editing Tool Authorized by Overseas Patent

    tBE(transformer Base Editor), developed by the scientific co-founders of CorrectSequence Therapeutics (Correctseq), is authorized by USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) formally. It’s th


  • 2022/07/13 Correctseq

    CorrectSequence's Base Editing Tool Authorized by Overseas Patent

    July 13, 2022(USA time), tBE(transformer Base Editor), developed by the scientific co-founders of CorrectSequence Therapeutics(Correctseq), is authorized by USPTO formally(United States Patent and Trademark Office). It’s the Chinese first base editing tool authorized by overseas patents. Correctseq has got the worldwide exclusive license of tBE from ShanghaiTech University, becoming the exclusive biopharmaceutical company that owns the global rights and interests of the underlying platform-based base editing system patent. The First IND pipeline for thalassemia of Correctseq is well underway, using tBE to create a creative base editing therapy. Correctseq is the Chinese first biopharmaceutical company which transforms the Chinese self-developed base editing tool into a creative base editing therapy. Correctseq has already got the worldwide exclusive license of eBE, which is the first base editing tool authorized by Chinese patents. At the same time, Correctseq has applied PCT for several base editing tools.


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